Frequency medicine is the future's medicine
The use of frequency as a method for internal healing is an ancient tool brought into the modern age through the technology of bioacoustics. This idea means that each component of our biology has a representative frequency that is reflected in our voice, and that our health can be observed and assessed through a unique personal evaluation of the characteristics of the human voice. The personal biological frequency signature (Biofrequency) will in the future become a common medical procedure no less than a blood test, blood pressure measurement or temperature measurement, and it will provide us with essential and detailed information about our physical and mental state. Already today, companies such as AT&T, Pfizer and various universities have begun to test and adopt the principles of frequency-based medicine.
One doctor who has experimented with this method and has begun to incorporate it into his work is Dr. Roman Chrucky, MD). He claims that the list of possibilities in which bioacoustics can help is endless. According to him, it serves as a path to combine frequency medicine with (conventional) allopathic medicine. Dr. Charaki credits bioacoustics with predicting his previous heart attack and helping him reverse the prostate cancer that attacked him.
This ancient idea, combined with modern technology, takes advantage of the basic premise that the body can reflect through sound what is out of balance in it, thus providing biometric information that will make it possible to offer a treatment that will help it return to balance. Bioacoustics does not try to heal the body but is based on the assumption that the body heals itself. Illness, we believe, occurs when the body lacks the conditions it needs to maintain its own balance. In bioacoustics, we provide him with the required balance through sound frequencies that are adapted to him after a computerized analysis of the voice, and an understanding of the reasons for his energy imbalance. From this point on the body is already able to continue on its own and bring about its own healing.
The idea of using a computerized analysis of the personal voice to determine the emotional, biochemical and structural state of the person is already being used in various versions by medical institutions, armies and police work (for verification and identification purposes). Research institutions use computerized analyzes of the voice in order to find new ways to deal with diseases that are considered chronic, treat pain, monitor exposure to toxins and pathogens, and much more. This unique field is essentially a journey to new worlds of understanding human health, personality and the purpose of life. Our goal is to build a new paradigm of health and leave the current system behind. Buckminster Fuller liked to say it this way: “If you want to change something, don’t fight the existing one. Just build a new model and make the current model unnecessary.”
Here are a number of findings, on the edge of the fork, that bioacoustics discovered during its years of work and they constitute a real contribution to the field of medicine:
- The body behaves like a hologram – each of its components contains information about the entire body. For this reason the voice is a holographic reflection of the entire body. Therefore, an analysis of the voice makes it possible to get a clear picture of what is happening in the body.
- Many therapists use different combinations of sound and color in their work. Bioacoustics discovered that in this work it is necessary to take into account the brain dominance of the person in order to achieve good results and avoid malfunctions. It turned out that people with left-brain dominance perceive color and sound as opposing each other, while those with right-brain dominance see them as expressing the same energy, in different forms. Whole brained people know how to use color and sound according to the context.
- A time-based analysis of the voice (Time domain) can help identify a person’s personality state and be useful for creating a personal profile, testing compatibility between people, issues of group dynamics, compatibility with the role and any field where personal/personality characteristics play a role. On the other hand, frequency domain analysis may help identify a person’s biological condition and is useful to help the body recover from physical problems.
- Each frequency (sound) has an equal and opposite frequency that complements it and can provide information about the original sound and influence it. This discovery is especially important when we need to reduce load from a biological system, relax tense muscles, balance excess amounts of biochemicals and more. The complementary frequency then helps achieve this goal.
- Every person, place, emotion and physical component (hormone, amino acid, muscle, etc.) has a “Frequency Equivalent*” which is the frequency that represents it in the world. The collection of frequency matches of the person and the components of his body and soul constitutes his personal sound signature (Signature Sound*). The frequency analysis of the voice signature provides a picture of the state of the person, his body and mind, by detailing the state of their frequency counterparts. Frequency matches that deviate from the norm in strength reflect a problem with the same organ, muscle, amino acid, etc. Such an analysis can also predict about 30 days in advance problems that have not yet surfaced.
- Our biology works according to mathematical rules. Therefore, biology can be observed and understood according to clear mathematical rules of health and disease states.
- Our brain also speaks the language of mathematics. For this reason, it can be influenced according to clear mathematical rules, in order to treat problems and help the body heal itself. From a practical point of view, we do this by using sounds with specific frequencies that are calculated according to mathematical rules and are able to balance the energy field.
Medicine of the future:
Bioacoustics is able to follow the development of the problem to its root. Sometimes the root is revealed as a factor that was not taken into account in other treatment methods. From the understanding of the mathematical structure of our biology we can find the common denominator of several symptoms and treat it, instead of trying to treat each symptom separately while the real problem is not treated at all because it was never identified. These options offer more effective medicine, simple and quick diagnostic options, and a lot of hope for the treatment of diseases that are considered chronic simply because we have so far been unable to locate their root. The mathematics of the body, through which we work in bioacoustics, is the path where we can step into biology and find the root of the imbalance in our body, and ultimately in our soul as well. Therefore, we believe, frequency medicine is the medicine of the future, and we are talking about the near future. very close