Resonance & Frequency

Resonance & Frequency

Therapy through intentions

Harnessing the Power of Intention: Exploring Therapy through intentions for Personal Transformation Introduction: In the pursuit of personal growth and

What is resonance?

Resonance is a significant increase in the intensity of the vibration of an object, which occurs when a force is applied to it whose vibration is the same as the vibration of that object. To understand this one must know that every object in nature vibrates at a certain frequency. The intensity of the vibration is usually low. Everything in nature can be made to vibrate at any frequency we want if we apply force to it, but if the frequency is not the same as its natural frequency the vibration we will produce will be weak. But when the vibration of the applied force is the same as the natural vibration of the object, the phenomenon of resonance will occur, as mentioned. The object will begin to vibrate at a much higher intensity than usual.


The principle of resonance is important in music. A guitar, piano, trombone, and in fact any musical instrument, is built so that it resonates with the note played on it. This principle causes certain notes and certain harmonies to sound louder on this instrument than other notes and harmonies. This is what gives the instrument its unique sonic quality and is why a piano sounds different from a guitar, when they play the same note.


Sound and vibration

Anything that makes sound vibrates. The sound of a ringing bell is simply the vibration created in the metal of the bell when it is struck with the hammer. This vibration creates vibrations in the air around the bell, and these air vibrations move and disperse in space. When they reach us they are picked up by the ear and translated back into the sound of the bell that we hear. The pitch of the sound is related to the speed of the vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the sound, and the lower the vibration, the lower the sound. The human ear has a range of frequencies (sounds) that it can hear. Frequencies that are out of range will not be heard by us but may affect us unconsciously.

Many researchers understand today that hearing is not done only by the ears. In fact, the whole body can be used as a hearing aid. We are able to distinguish vibrations that are too low to be recorded by the ear, but are felt by the body. In bioacoustics we make use of this fact in order to balance our energy field using low frequencies


Natural frequency and forced oscillations

As mentioned, every object has a natural frequency. An object can be made to vibrate at any frequency but at a low intensity. Resonance occurs when everything applied to the object matches its natural frequency. For example, when we pluck a string on the guitar, the other strings also produce a sound for frets that we didn’t pluck. Their vibration is caused by the detat of the string we have detailed. This vibration passed to them through the air and through the body of the guitar and forced them to vibrate as well. If there is a string on the guitar that is the same as the string on which we fretted, it will vibrate in the strongest way compared to the other strings which are usually different from the first.

This phenomenon of resonance is quite common in nature. Bridge engineers need to take into account the natural frequency of the bridge. Gusts of wind will cause the bridge to vibrate. If the vibration of the wind is the same as the natural vibration of the bridge, the bridge may vibrate with such a high intensity that it will be damaged. Fortunately, the chance that a gust of wind will vibrate exactly as the bridge vibrates is zero. However, there have already been cases in which gusts of wind caused a destructive resonance in buildings, which collapsed and fell. Resonance is what causes glasses to shatter when a high-pitched sound is played near them. When the sound reaches the natural frequency of the glass of the glass, the vibration of the glass intensifies greatly until the glass cracks and the glass shatters.


The use of resonance in bioacoustics

Just as every object in nature has its own vibration, so also every component of the body has a natural vibration that characterizes it. We are able to increase this vibration when needed by making the person sound at a vibration (frequency) identical to the frequency of that component. If we discover by analyzing the voice that this person is deficient in a certain amino acid, we can bring about its increase by exposing him to a sound with a frequency identical to the frequency of the amino acid. In the long-term research carried out by the Bioacoustics Institute, we have collected over time a huge database containing the unique frequencies of many of the body’s components. This information and the phenomenon of resonance are central tools for us in the therapeutic process of bioacoustics.

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