What does Q-Beats actually do?

Q-Beats healing frequencies is a technology that makes use of personally-tailored formulas of low sound waves to promote healing, transformational and change processes.

Q-Beats formulas create a transformational resonance in the nerves system by combining two well studied psychoacoustic phenomenon – Binaural and monaural beats.


Q-Beats healing frequencies is a technology that makes use of personally-tailored formulas of low sound waves to promote healing, transformational and change processes.

Q-Beats formulas create a transformational resonance in the nerves system by combining two well studied psychoacoustic phenomenon – Binaural and monaural beats.

How does it work?

Any natural process, healing, development or change needs energy to be accomplished. 

This process is described in the illustration:

Healthy process

However, most people suffer from energy losses on a regular basis and therefore they cannot mobilize enough energy for the success of these processes. 

A common example is a pain, disorder or illness that becomes chronic despite all treatments. Other examples are anxiety and depression that have no solution, personal, marital or occupational stress and more. All of these are the result of a lack of sufficient energy for the success of the healing or transformation process.

The loss of energy is caused by “black holes” that exist within us and draw from the energy we produce for the healing or transformation process. 

Black holes are created during our life for various reasons. There are holes that were created at the beginning of our lives and there are those that are created every day as a result of negative experiences. As with everything, these black holes also have a corresponding expression in our nervous system.

The loss of energy is  caused by “black holes” that exist within us and draw from the energy we produce for the healing or transformation process.

These holes are created during our life for various reasons. There are holes that were created at the beginning of our lives and there are those that are created every day as a result of negative experiences. 

As with everything, these black holes also have a corresponding expression in our nervous system.

Energy loss due to black holes

Q-Beats creates, through its effect on the nervous system, a protective envelope against the black holes by using a special structure of low sound waves. 

The envelope isolates the energy flowing in the system and thus allows it to flow along the entire path and complete the process of change and healing.

Q-Beats envelop protects the energy

The technology of Q-Beats:

Q-Beats technology is based on a psychoacoustic phenomenon called Binaural Beats and a similar phenomenon known as Monaural Beats. These phenomena have been widely studied for many decades and the research found that they have diverse effects on mental health, mental functions and more

What are Binaural beats?

Binaural beats are created in a process where a sound is played to the patient in each of the ears, when there is a small difference between the sounds (one sound is slightly higher than the other).

As a result, the brain creates a third wave which is the difference between the two waves. The treatment can be adjusted to get the brain to generate waves at different frequencies. By choosing specific frequencies, the researchers were able to encourage an improvement in focus, decision-making ability, dealing with difficult emotional events, depression and anxiety, and more.

Monaural beats:

While in binaural beats the wave is created “inside” the brain, in monaural beats the wave is created outside it. In a common process of creating a monaural beat, two sound sources with a small difference between them are used (similar to creating a binaural beat). These two sources (eg speakers) are in the room and they create a third pulse which is the difference between them. This pulse causes the brain to create a wave of a similar frequency in the process of reverberation.

Q-Beats: combined beats

In a binaural beat the wave created in the brain is the result of a mainly psychological process. In a monaural beat, the wave is created by a physical process, which involves vibration of the auditory bones in the ear. It can be said that these are different processes – a binaural beat acts on the mind and a monaural beat acts on the body.

If so, a combination of the two phenomena can create a unified effect of body and mind.

This is exactly how the Q-Beats booster works.

Q-Beats actually combines the two phenomena together. It includes playback of 10 sounds. Between the sounds there are differences that are calculated according to a special formula. The 10 sounds create multiple monaural and binaural beats in the brain.

The effect of Q-Beats treatment is much stronger than the effect of classic binaural and monaural beats. So far, their effect has been examined on body and mind with high success rates in dealing with physical issues (eg headaches), emotional pain and combined issues as emotional eating. 

Clients who experienced the therapy described sensations of inner peace, mental clarity, happiness, joy, a sense of connection, a sense of place in the world and more. In regards to dealing with mental deprivation and emotional eating, they reported a significant reduction in black hole feelings, resulting in decreased emotional eating.

The effect on self – fulfilment:

Another effect of using Q-Beats technology is very surprising and promising. Some of the clients reported an awakening of an urge to realize dreams and an increasing courage to embark on the path of such realization. 

Others, who were already in the process of personal entrepreneurship, said that miraculously things began to “work out” their way and obstacles seemed to disappear. Even those who did not engage in personal entrepreneurship reported greater vitality, a high ability to deal with daily crises and a higher sense of joy.


How does it happen?

The theory on which Q-Beats therapy is based upon, sees body and mind problems as a result of energy loses. These energy losses are the result of our lifestyle, which is focused on survival, and they make it difficult for us to maintain a state of physical and mental health. When we suffer from a constant lack of energy we cannot even think about self-realization.

However, as soon as our energy level rises again, everything improves – we overcome physical and mental problems and naturally feel the urge for self-actualization again.

And that’s what Q-Beats therapy does. It “sews up” the tears through which the energy leaks, and raises its level in us. And the result – n impressive improvement in health and life satisfaction.

Q-Beats treatment does not negate the importance of medical treatment or personal counseling, including psychological therapy, training, nutritional counseling, etc. In fact, it can increase the effectiveness of such practices by giving a boost to the energy these practices need.

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