Q-Beats sound therapy:

Instructions for use

For Q-Beats sound sleep instructions click HERE

For Q-Beats sound sleep instructions click HERE

Q-Beats sound therapy:

Instructions for use

Quick guide:

  • You were sent an Mp3 file that includes sound wave treatment adapted to your needs.
  • Listen to the treatment using headphones only. Without headphones the treatment has no effect.
  • Connect the headphones in the correct directions – left earpiece to left ear and right earpiece to right ear
  • The treatment lasts 6:20 minutes. It is recommended to listen to it once before going to bed. You can listen one more time in the morning. Do not use it more than three times a day.
  • Therapy works through your intention to achieve a goal in your life. During the treatment think about your intention. In the detailed instructions below you will find guidance for creating correct intentions. Once you have a good sense of your intention and your determination to achieve your goal, release the intention and allow yourself to rest and relax during the treatment.
  • The treatment should induce feelings of calmness. If during it you feel significant discomfort, stop it and contact the therapist.
  • Pay attention! The treatment is not suitable for those who suffer or have suffered in the past from epileptic seizures!

extended guide:


how to use The therapy?

  1. The Q Beats therapy is actually an Mp3 file sent to you. You can listen to it using your mobile device, computer or any other music player.
  2. Connect the headphones to the device (mobile phone, computer, etc.). Make sure the headphones are oriented correctly. Headphones should be marked with the letters R – (right earphone), and L (left earphone). Place the right headphone on the right ear and the left on the left ear, as shown in the picture: 
  3. Turn on the player and listen to the treatment when you are lying down or sitting comfortably. Do not listen while walking, working, driving or any other activity.
  4. While listening think about your intention. Visualize the situation you aspire to reach. There is no obligation to “hold” the intention in your imagination the entire treatment. It is enough that you think about it at the beginning of the treatment until you feel it well, and then release it and relax.

How long should the treatment be continued?

  • The file you received includes a treatment that lasts 6 minutes and 20 seconds. It must be listened to at least once a day. It is recommended to listen when going to sleep. You can listen once more in the morning.
  • The treatment should be continued for at least 21 days, even the treatment goal has been achieved. It is better to keep on using it for 40 days. If you skipped a day during the 21 days period start over again.

  • Pay attention – your treatment is suitable for all your intentions. That is, when you want to achieve a new goal in the future, you can use the same file. Just repeat the process explained here and just change the intention.

How to create intentions:

Your intentions during treatment are a critical part of its success. It is important that you create the right intentions.

There are several rules to create correct intentions:

  • Do not confuse intention with desire: desire refers to the expectation that something good will happen. For example, we can desire for a new car. Intention is a determination that the thing you want will happen, regardless of what needs to be done to make it happen. For example, we are determined to have a new car, and it doesn’t matter if we have to work harder for it, take a loan and commit to repayments, etc. 
  • “Broad” intentions are better than “narrow” intentions: if you want to achieve something in your life, it is better not to try to decide in what way it will happen.
  •       An example of a broad intention: if you want a happy life, aim for a happy life in general and let life lead you there in its own way.
  •       An example of a narrow intention: you aim for a happy life, and also expect that happiness will come by winning the lottery, moving house, getting married, divorcing, or any other way.
There are good intentions and negative intentions. Always work with good ones:


Good intentions:                                             

  • Good intention refers to your life only, without involving other people. For example, if you wish to attract a certain individual to your life, aim for a relationship but give the other party the opportunity to decide whether they want you or not. 

negative intentions:

  • Negative intention in this case will be a desire to influence the will of the other person, so he falls in love with you.
  • Another example: one of my clients  asked for a therapy for her spouse, and her goal was for him to stop arguing with her. She certainly did not intend to harm him, but such an intention is considered negative because it involves another person. Correct intention in such a case could be an intention to develop deeper patience and understanding on her part in interacting with him.


  • In simple words – be good: don’t try to direct negative intentions, to achieve something in unfair ways or to hurt someone. It is not possible and it will hurt you back.
  • When you have the intention to achieve something in the right way, you will see only yourself in the picture, moving forward or already in the place you want. You may also feel the presence of another force that accompanies you and helps things happen. You can call this power by any name you want, and it’s also okay if you don’t feel it at all.
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