Q-Beats sound sleep:

Instructions for use

Q-Beats sound therapy:

Instructions for use

  1. The Q Beats therapy is actually an Mp3 file sent to you by email or WhatsApp. It includes sound wave treatment adapted to your personal frequency. You can listen to it using your mobile device, computer or any other music player.
  2. Listen to the sound treatment using headphones only. Without headphones the treatment will have no effect.
  3. Connect the headphones to the device (mobile phone, computer, etc.). Make sure the headphones are oriented correctly. Headphones should be marked with the letters R – (right earphone), and L (left earphone). Place the right headphone on the right ear and the left on the left ear, as shown in the picture: 
  4. Turn on the player and listen to the treatment file when you are lying in bed and ready to go to sleep. Do not try listening while walking, working, driving or any other activity.
  5. The sound treatment lasts 30 minutes. If in this period of time you still don’t fall asleep, just play the file again. The time it takes for the treatment to have an effect on you may be longer at first, but it will get shorter as you continue to use it every night.
  6. The treatment should create feelings of calmness and peace. If during use you feel excessive feelings of tension or discomfort, stop using it and contact us using one of the ways listed below.

No, you do not need to buy any special equipment. The therapy file will be sent to your email and you can experience it with a pair of headphones or earbuds and a device, such as a smartphone or computer. It is convenient and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Q-Beats Therapy utilizes specific sound frequencies to induce a state of relaxation and promote better sleep. These frequencies have been carefully designed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

What you will hear is low rumbling sounds and a few clicks. This sound is the result of the special combination of binaural and monaural beats. You can also ask to add nature sounds to the treatment if you like.

Yes. We design the treatment according to certain personal details that you will be asked to indicate in the treatment order form.

The treatment is based on a special structure of sound waves that create an inner experience close to nirvana. This structure is based on your personal frequency which is calculated from the information you provide in the treatment order form.

Yes, Q-Beats Therapy is designed to help with various sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. The therapy helps to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality regardless of the specific sleep issue. 

Our customers say that the treatment with Q-Beats allowed them to reduce or even give up the use of sleeping pills altogether. However, as in any medication change, it is strongly recommended to consult this issue with a doctor.

The Q-Beats treatment can benefit many people. However, if you suffer or have suffered in the past from epileptic seizures, or have undergone head/brain surgery, it is recommended that you DO NOT use this treatment.

Each therapy session lasts 30 minutes and you are asked to listen to it when you go to sleep. In most cases you will fall asleep before the treatment is over, but in case you were not able to fall asleep by then you can restart it.

Not at all!! The treatment should create a beneficial effect that will build up over time, until you will gradually be able to reduce the frequency of times you use the treatment to zero. The rate of improvement obviously varies from person to person.

Although Q-Beats treatment is based on binaural and monaural beats that have been extensively researched, it is not considered a medical treatment and is not a substitute for such treatment. For any medical problem, it is always recommended to consult a doctor as well.

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